Small groups. In fact – Small Group. Trials Bulgaria is trying to offer something new in central Bulgaria, & we’re treading new ground in many ways.
To begin our venture we’re limiting the numbers in our groups to a maximum of 4 – & we are sorry if this upsets anyone’s plans. Until we work out the finer details of our plans, we’ve decided to keep things small.
- It limits the investment requirement – If we took 6 riders, we’d need 8 bikes minimum. Transport of the bikes & guests also becomes a concern…
- We want to offer our visitors a great experience, with personal service, & we can’t do that if there are too many people.
- Limit the impact on our surroundings, & our neighbours. Right now we can ride pretty-much wherever we like. But things are changing, unfortunately brought about by hordes of enduro bikes & convoys of 4x4s ripping their way through the beautiful Bulgarian countryside. Some of our colleagues offering enduro holidays here are particularly guilty, & they’ll be among the first to suffer from restrictions in the areas they operate in… So we keep it low-key, unobtrusive, fairly quiet, & continue to enjoy ourselves long after some areas have become no-go areas…
- Staffing is also a problem out here; we need people who can turn their hand to everything, from riding, driving our bus, buying supplies for the kitchen, cooking & serving dinner… So for now we work with what we know – who we know!
Keeping things small – closing the circle…